Photo of Franklin H. Ernst Jr., MD
"Guide to the OK Corral" - revised formatting
"Guide to the OK Corral" - original
"Getting Well With Transactional Analysis. Get-On-With, Getting Well and Get (to be) Winners"
"Coercive Feelings - Psychological Rackets in the OK Corral"
"The Third Circle - The Diagramed Parent - Eric Berne's Most Significant Contribution"
Social Tools Newsletter Vol. 5, Issue 2 - "Termites"
"Coercive Feelings - Psychological Rackets in the OK Corral"
"Genesis of Games People Play"
"Guide to the OK Corral" - original
"Getting Well With Transactional Analysis / Get-On-With, Getting Well, and Get (to be) Winners"
"Guide to the OK Corral" - revised formatting
"Handbook of Listening - Transactional Analysis of the Listening Activity"
"Who's Listening? Transactional Analysis of Listening"
"The I'm OK, You're OK Classroom"
"A Sea of Unknown Faces in Public Schools"
"The Third Circle - The Diagramed Parent - Eric Berne's Most Significant Contribution"
"Transactional Analysis of Prison Psychotherapy Groups"
"Psychiatric Treatment of the California Felon Using Transactional Analysis"
A newsletter of the Golden Gate Foundation for Group Treatment, Inc. To view the newsletters go to The Encounterer tab.
Recommended Reading:
Games People Play by Eric Berne, M.D.
The Structure and Dynamics of Organizations and Groups by Eric Berne, M.D.
Transactional Analysis in Psychotherapy by Eric Berne, M.D.
Transactional Analysis Bulletin
Valley of Decision by Dr. S. Lacy
VOTESCAM: The Stealing of America by James M. Collier and Kenneth F. Collier - 1992
None Dare Call It Treason - 25 Years Later by John A. Stormer
Licensed To Lie by Sidney Powell
Conspiracy - A Biblical View by Gary North
Links To Liberty:
Second Amendment Committee
Transactional Analysis - A New and Effective Method of Psychotherapy
Slavson - A Critique of the Group Therapy Literature
Ernst - "Psychiatric Treatment of the California Felon Using Transactional Analysis"
Berne - The Structure of Marriage as Shown by Marital Games