O.L. No. 1 - "Blight By Planning" 12-5-1983
O.L. No. 2 - "Re-developing Southeast Vallejo" 12-19-1983
O.L. No. 3 - "Sandbagging Business" 1-9-1984
O.L. No. 4 - "Solano County Land Use Initiative, Sign Ordinance, Redevelopment" 2-8-1984
O.L. No. 5 - "The Creative and Productive Citizen" 3-5-1984
O.L. No. 6 - "Intervention - 'Protection' / Uncontrolled Regulatory Sprawl" 3-28-1984
O.L. No. 7 - "Mental Health Delivery Services" 6-11-1984
O.L. No. 8 - "Representation in the Sixth Congressional District" 10-28-1984
O.L. No. 9 - "Open Letter to Representative Barbara Boxer" 12-26-1984
O.L. No. 10 - "Letter to Musha No. 1" 10-1-1985
O.L. No. 11 - "Letter to Musha No. 2" 2-22-1986
O.L. No. 12 - "Open Letter to Col. Oliver North" 7-16-1987
O.L. No. 13 - "Rackets People Play" 10-15-1987